Arrest George Zimmerman
By, BarbaraRoseBrooker
It was a lynching. George Zimmerman playing watchman that night was looking for a catch. He was a hunter. A hunter for black men. He stalked Trayvon Martin, a fourteen year old black boy who was wearing a black hoodie and walking home from the candy store. George Zimmerman shot and killed him.
Our jury system doesn’t work. Just as the jury used the ‘hostess twinkie’ sugar defense, for Dan White who shot Harvey Milk and Major Moscone in cold blood, Zimmerman was acquitted and treated as a hero. ‘Stand your ground,’ was Zimmerman’s defense. While Trayvon Martin lies in his grave, candy in his pocket, he and his family still do not have justice. “I was doing my job,” says Zimmerman, proudly.
Zimmerman is a killer on the loose. How many of them are around? In fact he was on national TV, wearing a suit and acting like a celebrity. He was proud of his only accomplishment in life. Killing a young black boy with candy still in his pocket.
Two weeks past George Floyd’s lynching I watched 27 year old Rayshard Brooks unarmed and killed in the back twice by a white police officer. For nothing. For falling asleep in his car. For a suspected DUI. For running away, terrified that he was going to end up like George Floyd. He was right. The policeman shot him twice in the back. He died.
The chief stepped down.
The officer was fired. Wasn’t charged.
The second officer is on administrative leave. Why not charged?
Why wasn’t the policeman who killed Rayschard arrested and handcuffed on the spot and put in jail?
INJUSTICE for all black people is standard treatment.
So many unarmed black men and women before Trayvon, and after George Floyd, were and are lynched and no one knows their names.
We must say their names over and over again in honor of those who were murdered by police and white skinheads. We must think about the hundreds of young black boys rotting in prison for nothing other than they’re black or were arrested for drug charges.
Treyvon Martin. Who still does not have justice:
Sandra Bland, arrested for a traffic citation. Thrown in jail and the next day police said she was dead by suicide. She never got justice. The cops killed her.
Ahmaud Arbery, was shot in the back by two white supremacists.
Dion Johnson
Tony McDade
Dion Johnson
Eric Garner,
George Floyd
Rayshard Brooks
Two black teenagers arrested for jaywalking on a street that didn’t have dividers. Roughed up by police.
Lynchings and brutality by white police happen all the time.
Some white people’s responses e-mailed to me in response to my request for white people to take a knee.
He should not have run away,
He should not have talked back.
All lives matter, white people say.
don’t like the looting. It’s violent.
It’s always been this way
White people don’t kneel. Black people do.
White people are not submissive.
He should not have run away.
He should not have run away.
He should not have run away.
He should not have
Should not have
Not have
Shooting imprisoning and killing black boys and men is not only rewarded but keeps the prisons wealthy.
Lynching a black boy or man or woman on television is the new normal.
White people are slave owners.
The police do the lynchings.
Punishment of black boys and men keeps prisons wealthy.
The monetized black inmates instead of picking cotton, provide wealth to the prisons.
Law and Order, the President says. Law and order means killing black boys and men.
Law and order can only exist when there is justice for black lives.
Jim Crow is here!
This piece is by author BarbaraRose Brooker. It is part of a series she is writing
on injustice in white America.